pilates classes tumwater WA

Notecards & Giclées

In the mid 90s I started relaxing by doing needlepoint and embroidery. I loved it, but never looked at it as art. In August of 2015, 4 friends decided to get together every Monday afternoon to sketch.  I always had visions of myself being a botanical artist — precision, perfect. That was not in the plan my soul laid before me because I always left those sessions frustrated.

In October of that year my friends and I moved into one of their basements  and we actually changed direction to acrylics on canvas. I loved the creativity that the style afforded me. The art actually took on a whimsical nature. In 2018, I found my way to watercolor, but a very loose abstract style. I feel like I found my place in that medium and style. And I reflect back to my college years when an art teacher said to me during a pastel class I was taking, “ I hope you aren’t planning on majoring in art!”

tumwater WA pilates